The Guns of USS Kearsarge in 1894
When the USS Kearsarge grounded and sank on February 2nd, 1894 she was carrying two 8-Inch Muzzle Loading Rifles, four 9-Inch Dahlgrens, and one 5.3-Inch Breech Loading Rifle. This post looks at historic photos of USS Kearsarge, photos of preserved cannons similar to those lost aboard the ship, and photos that may show the current disposition of the cannons at Kearsarge’s wreck site.

30-Pounder Parrott in Cincinnati, Ohio
A 30-Pounder Parrott mounted on a reproduction Marsilly style carriage is displayed at Washington Park in Cincinnati, Ohio. This Parrott seems to have a late-production extension to its breeching block for connection to an elevating screw. Many thanks to Ferd454231 for the photos of this Parrott!

XV-Inch Dahlgren in Hong Kong!
A US Navy 15-Inch Dahlgren is on display at the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense

What happened to USS Keokuk’s Other Dahlgren?
After the war, one of the Dahlgrens of USS Keokuk was left near Fort Moultrie and then around 1900 it was moved to White Point Garden. The Dahlgren which had been at White Point Garden was lost some time after the war. Whatever happened to it?