6.4-Inch Parrott Rifle in Bristol, Vermont
6.4-Inch (or 100-Pounder) Parrott Rifle displayed in Bristol, Vermont
A 6.4-Inch Parrott Rifle is beautifully displayed in the village square in Bristol, Vermont. The right trunnion is marked “100 Pdr” and “R.P.P.” and due to the type often being called a 100-Pounder in the 1860s and the inspector (and designer) of the piece being Robert Parker Parrott. Some projectiles - especially solid shot - could weigh as much as 100 pounds, though shells would weigh less than that.
This type was produced for both the US Army and the US Navy - though I believe the “US” marking on the top of the barrel indicates that it is a US Army cannon. The markings on the muzzle show that it was manufactured at West Point Foundry in 1862. It weighed 9,702 pounds as manufactured.
The cannon is mounted on an iron (or steel) ornamental stand.
This monument to Vermont Soldiers is nearby
Two 6.4-Inch Parrott Rifles on original carriages at Fort Sumter near Charleston, South Carolina.